Policy & Legal Committee

Mission: To recommend a position on legislative, regulatory and policy matters of potential interest to the Association.


  • Identify key bills, legislative and policy issues and strategy for the NATOA membership

  • Develop a structured process which will provide an effective mechanism for Analyzing key bills, legislative and policy issues; and Recommending actions which LFAs should adopt

  • Draft model response letters/Op Ed pieces, Resolutions, and talking points for LFAs to utilize to implement NATOA’s advocacy strategy.

  • Hold monthly meetings to secure Committee input, provide issues updates, and address member education on policy and legal matters

  • Draft model response letters/documents for LFAs to utilize to implement actions

  • Assist in the planning of educational sessions relating to the Policy and Legal agenda.

Accomplishments: Click here for a list of past years accomplishments.

Committee Members:

Committee Meetings:  Meetings are open to all committee members. Signed subscription form is required.  Click here for a list of Policy & Legal, Franchising and ROW meetings.

Policy Committee and Subcommittees Leadership

  • Nancy L. Werner
    Nancy L. Werner
    Partner Bradley Werner, LLC 8475105999
  • Lawrence N. Cooper
    Lawrence N. Cooper
    General Counsel DC Office of Cable Television, Film, Music and Entertainment (202)671-2139
  • Daniel Lightfoot
    Daniel Lightfoot
    Intergovernmental Relations Representative League of Minnesota Cities (651)281-1295
    Co-Chair / Rights-of-Way Subcommittee Chair
  • Jeffrey P Lueders
    Jeffrey P Lueders
    MCO Division Manager City of Tacoma, WA (253)591-5727
    Franchising Subcommittee Chair