NATOA 2025 Call for Topics

Community, Industry, Top Issues,

Call for Topics and Speakers for

NATOA's 2025 Educational Programs NOW OPEN

Deadline to submit 10/11/24


We want to hear from you about upcoming programs and events! NATOA is committed to providing our members with the highest quality presentations, sessions and educational content possible, and your input is essential. Share your ideas for topics and speakers for future events -- no topic is too big or too small for consideration. All topic and speaker ideas will be reviewed by our educational planning committee and considered for our 2025 content.

Responses are due by Friday, October 11th. NATOA retains full control over the final development and selection of speakers and topics. Membership is NOT required to participate.

Similar to the communities our members serve, NATOA is comprised of telecommunications professionals of varying races, ethnicities, genders, backgrounds, ages and more. We believe in the power of diverse talent and inclusive cultures and strive to reflect those beliefs in our educational content.