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eNATOA: Wireless Siting and Small Cell/4G and 5G

Monday, October 17, 2022
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

* Registration open until 10/15/22 at 12:00 AM (EST)

Event Details

Wireless Siting and Small Cell/4G and 5G 

As we move from 4G to 5G, what impact will these changes have on your community?  How will small cell and wireless siting be affected?  So far in 2022, what is working and what policies and procedures need to be improved?

This session will be moderated by Reba Crocker, ROW Consultants, LLC. Speakers include Gabriel Garcia, Director & Senior Counsel, CPS Energy; and Michael Johnston, Partner, Telecom Law Firm, PC.

Registration includes a recording of the webinar and speaker handouts, which  will be sent out following the webinar.

For More Information:

Karen Anderson
Karen Anderson
Administrative Specialist NATOA (703)867-6248