NATOA Member Coalition: NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant Application
Supporting information
The Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program budget for this grant is $1.25 billion
Specifically, the Funds Are Intended to Be Used for:
- The Development and Implementation of Digital Inclusion Activities
- Programs That Facilitate the Adoption of Broadband to Provide Educational and Employment Opportunities
- Training Programs That Cover Basic, Advanced, and Applied Skills
- Workforce Development Programs
- Access to Equipment, Instrumentation, Networking Capability, Hardware and Software, or Digital Network Technology for Broadband Services at Low or No Cost
- The Construction or Operation of Public Access Computing Centers.
Thanks for Taking the Time to Review This Information and Please Join Us Next Wednesday, Aug. 7, 2024 at 3:00 P.m. Est, for the Webinar Discussion for You to Participate in the Natoa Digital Equity Competitive Grant Application.
Below Are Links to Related News Articles and Useful Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Links and Details.
We've Also Included a Table of Key Aspects of the Grant's Notice of Funding Opportunity:
Nearly $1B available for local digital inclusion projects The goal of the new federal grant program is to fund local efforts that provide underserved communities with the tools and skills needed to access high-speed internet service. |
"Under the notice of funding opportunity, eligible applicants include city and county governments, tribal governments, nonprofits, community anchor institutions, local educational agencies and workforce development organizations. The 2021 infrastructure law mandates that funding goes to help underserved communities, such as low-income households, aging populations, incarcerated individuals, veterans, people with disabilities, people with language barriers, racial and ethnic minorities, and rural inhabitants."
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) created two grant programs to address digital equity and inclusion. This section of the IIJA recognizes that providing broadband access alone will … |
Key Dates Complete applications from Eligible Entities, including Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, and Native Hawaiian organizations (“Nati... |
Other links to the Notice of Funding Opportunity Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (Docket Number NTIA-DECGP-2024):
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Get Ready One-Pager
Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program NOFO
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers (FAQ), Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program
Past Events (webinars, etc.)
Technical Assistance Hub
NTIA's first Competitive Grant webinar last week for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant :
5 upcoming NTIA webinars about the Digital Equity Grant and application materials starting on August 7th. Register for the webinars here.
NOFO Summary
The Competitive Grant Program will make funds available to a wide range of entities to address barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations as defined by 47 U.S.C. §1721(8).
The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations.
Specifically, the Digital Equity Act authorizes funds to be used for the development and implementation of digital inclusion activities that benefit the Covered Populations; programs that facilitate the adoption of broadband by Covered Populations to:
- provide educational and employment opportunities;
- training programs that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills;
- workforce development programs;
- access to equipment, instrumentation, networking capability, hardware and software, or digital network technology for broadband services at low or no cost; and
- the construction or operation of public access computing centers for Covered Populations.
Awards will focus on addressing the needs of the Covered Populations not met by the Capacity Grant Program and will strive for a diverse pool of recipients. To ensure funds are directed to the most effective programs with the greatest reach, and to minimize administrative overhead, NTIA encourages proposals that demonstrate a broad partnership of entities with the ability to administer significant resources and address the varied concerns of the Covered Populations.
The following table provides a summary of key provisions within the Notice of Funding Opportunity:
U.S. Department of Commerce, NTIA Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunity, Funding Opportunity Number NTIA-DECGP-2024
Program Overview |
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (“NOFO”) solicits applications for the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (“Competitive Grant Program” or “Program”), the third of three digital equity programs authorized by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2021. The Competitive Grant Program will make funds available to a wide range of entities to address barriers to digital equity faced by Covered Populations. |
Funding Instrument |
Grant |
Award Project Period |
Grant recipients must expend the grant amounts during the four (4) year period after the date on which the entity is awarded the grant. Grant recipients may continue to measure and evaluate the activities supported with the grant amounts for a period of one (1) year after the initial four (4) year Period of Performance. No extensions to the four (4) year Period of Performance or the one (1) year evaluation period will be granted. |
Goals & Objectives |
Proposed programs, projects, and activities will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations. |
Eligible Projects/Topic Areas |
Develop and implement digital inclusion activities that benefit one or more of the Covered Populations; Facilitate the adoption of broadband by the Covered Populations in order to provide educational and employment opportunities; Implement training programs for the Covered Populations that cover basic, advanced, and applied skills; Implement workforce development programs; Make available equipment, instrumentation, networking capability and digital network technology for broadband services to Covered Populations at low or no cost; Construct, upgrade, expand, or operate new or existing public access computing centers for Covered Populations through community anchor institutions; or undertake any other project or activity the Assistant Secretary finds to be consistent with the purposes of the Program. Grantees may also use not more than 10 percent of the grant amount to measure and evaluate the activities supported with the grant amounts. |
Eligible Applicants |
A foundation, corporation, institution, or association that is a not-for-profit entity is eligible to apply for grants under this Program. When applying as a partnership, one Eligible Entity must be designated as the applicant for the partnership and serve as the “Authorized Representative.”
Funding Amount |
Cost Share/Matching Requirements |
As required by 47 U.S.C. §1724(e), the amount of a Competitive Grant awarded to an Eligible Entity through this program may not exceed 90 percent of the total project cost (i.e., there is a 10% matching requirement).
Matching funds may be in the form of either cash or in-kind contributions consistent with the requirements outlined in 2 C.F.R. 200.306. In-kind contributions, which include third-party in-kind contributions, are non-cash donations of property, goods, or services, which benefit a federally assisted project, and which may count toward satisfying the non-federal matching requirement of a project’s total budgeted costs when such contributions meet certain criteria. In-kind contributions must be allowable and allocable project expenses. |
Estimated Number and Type of Award(s) |
NTIA anticipates that it will issue between 150 and 200 grant awards under this Notice of Funding Opportunity. |
Key Dates |
Applications from Eligible Entities must be received by September 23, 2024. |
Content and Form of Applications |
Any Eligible Entity or U.S. Territory applying for a Competitive Grant must submit an application that includes the information listed below, which is inclusive of the elements required by 47 U.S.C. §1724(c): (1) If the Applicant represents a partnership: a. The Eligible Entity that will serve as the Authorized Representative (i.e., the applicant) for the partnership. b. Evidence of the Authorized Representative’s experience managing similar partnerships or coalitions and the plans the partnership has in place to ensure ongoing collaboration.
A table that includes: i. A list of all members of the partnership. ii. Verification that each partner is an Eligible Entity. iii. The category of Eligible Entity of each partner (See 47 U.S.C. §1724(b)). iv. The scope of work/role of each partner. v. Whether a partner has applied for funding under any other partnership, and if so, the Authorized Representative for each other partnership. vi. How award funds will be allocated among partners. 47 U.S.C. §1724(b)(7). vii. How the required federal share/matching requirement will be allocated among partners, as applicable.
A Letter of Commitment (“LOC”), from each member of the partnership, executed by both the Authorized Representative and the partner member, outlining: i. The role/scope of work of the participating member. ii. A commitment from the partner to serve in that role. iii. Any funding the partner will receive from the Authorized Representative, either as a subrecipient or otherwise, as applicable. iv. A commitment from the Authorized Representative to keep each partner informed of project or activity progress. |
Review and Selection Process |
The application review process will be conducted in three stages:
To accelerate issuance of awards, Programmatic Review will be conducted using prioritized groupings and award recommendations will be made on a rolling basis. Following the conclusion of the Programmatic Review for each prioritized grouping, the OICG Associate Administrator will recommend a list of ranked applications, including the identification of awards to Native Entities and U.S. Territories, to the NTIA Assistant Secretary, who is the Selecting Official for this program. Details of the selection process can be found in Section V of this NOFO. |
Period of Performance
Performance Measurement and Evaluation
Except for measurement and evaluation activities required under the Digital Equity Act and this NOFO, Grant recipients must expend the grant amounts within four (4) years after the date on which the entity is awarded the grant.
Competitive Grant recipients and subrecipients are required to incorporate program measurement and evaluation activities as part of their program design and implementation. These activities must include documentation of the success of specific funded projects in meeting the performance objectives of the Program.
Information collected should include, but is not limited to: a. The Covered Population(s) being served. b. The total number of individuals being served. c. The number of individuals that belong to each Covered Population. d. For each activity or intervention, explain how the activity or intervention facilitates the purposes of the Digital Equity Competitive Grant program, specifically by promoting one or more of the following: (1) Economic stability including workforce development and employment opportunities; (2) Education access; (3) Health care access; (4) Social and civic engagement; (5) Community access to the benefits of Internet technology. e. Anecdotal/personal testimony demonstrating the positive experiences generated through the Program. f. An assessment of Program effectiveness, including: (1) Whether the grant’s intended objectives were accomplished, including whether it achieved its intended outcomes; (2) Whether the program resulted in measurable changes in participants from the Covered Populations, such as in knowledge or skills, including collecting data before, during, and after the program to understand potential changes; (3) Whether the activity or intervention is making/has made progress toward the goals and objectives of the grant; (4) How efficiently the program achieved its goals. |