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Webinar to Join in the NATOA Digital Equity Competitive Grant Application

Wednesday, August 7, 2024
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (EDT)
80 Seats Remaining

The NTIA's Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program (DECGP) Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) was released last week and NATOA will be an eligible "Authorized Representative" submitting a grant application for participating NATOA member communities and PEG operations who can join our coalition/partnership as "Eligible Entities." 

NATOA will submit an NTIA grant application on behalf of interested NATOA members because NTIA is encouraging coalition/partnership applications.  This will give our NATOA members the added efficiencies and benefits of not having to apply individually and, when successful in receiving this grant, reporting will be done collectively through NATOA.
Click here for the recording of the webinar.
Click here to view the slides from the webinar.

NATOA believes - and we're sure you will agree – our member communities and PEG access centers are uniquely positioned to offer Digital Equity & Inclusion activities for "Covered Populations."  

Who are considered “Covered Populations”? 

As defined in Section I.C. of the NOFO, Covered Populations are: 

  1. Individuals who live in covered households (<=150% of poverty). 

  2. Aging individuals (60 and above). 

  3. Incarcerated individuals, other than individuals who are incarcerated in a Federal correctional facility. 

  4. Veterans. 

  5. Individuals with disabilities. 

  6. Individuals with a language barrier, including individuals who are English learners; and have low levels of literacy. 

  7. Individuals who are members of a racial or ethnic minority group. 

  8. Individuals who primarily reside in a rural area. 

Our collective experience as local Public Educational and Government (PEG) Access organization and local government cable programs has us uniquely qualified to address the needs of the unserved and under-served in our communities.  

We've been doing it for decades for cable and broadband!  

The mission of our PEG operations and cable departments has always been outreach to the disenfranchised.  PEG centers provide training and programming for Seniors, Veterans, People Living with Disabilities, rural residents, low-income residents, ethnic and linguistic minorities.  

Indeed, what the Digital Equity Act describes as Covered Populations are what we know to be our constituents, our audience.

We know that many PEG centers already pursue training opportunities for their communities and offer their public access centers as training centers for a/v editing, digital programming production, online video and social media video production.

Don't look now, but you're already running a "public access computing center!"  The alignment of your current mission to one that addresses Digital Inclusion is a modest step forward.

Please review the materials presented here and join our discussion next week on the NATOA Members NTIA Grant Application!

  • Political subdivisions, agencies or ‘instrumentalities of the State

  • Indian Tribes, Alaska Native entities, or a Native Hawaiian entities

  • Foundations/corporations/institutions/associations that are Non-profits

  • Community Anchor Institutions

  • Local Educational Agencies

  • Workforce development programs

  • Partnerships between any of the above

  • Digital inclusion activities that benefit covered populations

  • Broadband adoption for covered populations for education & employment opportunities

  • Training programs for basic, advanced and applied skills

  • Other digital inclusion workforce development programs

  • “Equipment,  instrumentation, networking capability, hardware and software, or digital network technology for broadband services to covered populations at low or no cost.”

  • Create new or operate existing public access computing centers for covered populations through community anchor institutions

  • Any other project or activity the Assistant Secretary approval

  1. A detailed explanation of the submitted project activities and interventions, barriers addressed, and covered populations served

  2. A project timeline that demonstrates the use of funds in the allotted timeframe and implementation plan

  3. A detailed budget and funding request justification, including identification of subgrantees

  4. Demonstrate applicants can perform all grant administration and implementation duties

  5. Strategies to create sustainable long-term impact

  6. Disclosure of all other funds related to the grant proposal

  7. Measurement and evaluation strategy

  8. Geographies to be served or stating if the service area is state or territory-wide

  9. Alignment with the state Digital Equity Plan

  10. Consolidated Budget Form


Read the NOFO & check NTIA’s website for updates

Sign up for NTIA’s BroadbandUSA newsletters

Check out the Digital Equity Competitive Grant Frequently Asked Questions

Read your State Digital Equity Plan


Register with and get your Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) 
What is
SAM stands for the System for Award Management. is the federal government’s database for getting money from federal grants & contracts. 
What is a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI)?
A UEI is a 12-digit number assigned to an organization. 
To receive a UEI, you must first be verified by providing documentation and complete a registration in
Why do I need a UEI?
Once verified and registered, the federal government can then disburse federal award money to organizations with a UEI.

For More Information:

Mike J. Lynch
Mike J. Lynch
Legislative Director NATOA (703)519-8035x202