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eNATOA: The Courts, The Hill and The FCC

eNATOA: The Courts, The Hill and The FCC

Monday, December 11, 2023
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (EST)

* Registration open until 12/9/23 at 12:00 AM (EST)

Event Details

The Courts, The Hill and The FCC – A Year in Review and Setting the Stage for 2024 

Moderator: Dave Albery, Executive Director, Greater West Bloomfield Cable Communications Commission, MI

Speakers: Cheryl Leanza, Of Counsel, Best Best & Krieger LLP; Ken Fellman, President, Kissinger & Fellman, P.C.; and Mike Watza, Partner, Kitch Drutchas Wagner Valitutti & Sherbrook


For More Information:

Karen Anderson
Karen Anderson
Administrative Specialist NATOA (703)867-6248